Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Training Children

As we are on this journey of parenthood, we have met many road blocks and have had many victories over the enemy!

Currently I am digging through Raising Godly Tomatoes. I would highly recommend her book and her website.

I have good kids with a sinful nature. Our goal as parents is to train them up in the Lord. It's an on-going journey, only to be completed as we enter the gates of heaven.

I'm pondering all this as my children sit on the floor over a Vision Forum catalog writing out their Christmas wish lists! They are clueless that they are actually practicing handwriting and reading skills!

We also got to run to the doctor's office this week as my son received his first stitches. That was fun! He told me later "I don't know what I was thinking climbing over that fence. All for a stick! There were plenty of sticks in the back yard. I don't know why I wanted the sticks on the other side of the fence!" Well . . . I think he learned his lesson.

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