Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Not-so-Boring Johnson's

Well it has been a month since my last post. What has been going on at the Johnson House??

Well after the announcement of my husband's new life as an American Solider, our life has been spinning. It is full of moving, preparing for our new life, Christmas functions, and vacation. Whew! I just thought I was super-mom!

My sister came down and we had Christmas together. We also went and had pics of the kids done. What fun! My little ones are so photogenic!

Then we popped in and out of numerous family Christmas meals. It is great to see so much family during Christmas, yet a bit overwhelming. 

Then, as if we hadn't had enough, we packed up and went to Colorado for a week with family. Wish I could post some pics but since we are in the middle of moving, I don't have all my camera equipment with my computer. The kids got to play in the snow for four days. They loved it and I loved staying in the warm house preparing everyone's food!

We are almost moved back into the 5th wheel trailer and out of the rent house. Hopefully that will end this week. Sooner than later.

As soon as the moving is completed, then we will move the 5th wheel to it's semi-permanent home. And then my husband will be having his Ship Out party and then off he goes to training. The next three weeks are going to go so quickly! I'm already missing him and he hasn't left yet.

Signing off. Won't have internet for a while, so it will be hit and miss. Hopefully I can post pics next time for all the Grandma's, Nana's, and Papas reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And friends!

Of course, I get to see you soon, yay me. :o)