Friday, January 22, 2010

Pro-Life Day and what it means to me

After reading a friends blog today about her experience with miscarriage, I felt I had to share! I am VERY pro-life and my choice to have as many children as the Lord grants has been a decision that most find irresponsible. I have had 5 miscarriages to my 4 alive children. Needless to say I have felt the loss of a child. I can't express my feelings as well as Michelle does, so please read her blog.


Unknown said...

I have also had several miscarriages. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage after 4 months of miserable pregnancy. Then I had my now 15 year old daughter two years later, another miscarriage, my 12 year old son, two other miscarriages, and then I went into early menopause, or at least what I thought was. Hot flashes, night sweats and the whole 9 yards. It was awful, especially since I had always felt I would have more than 2 children. But almost 8 years ago, all of that changed. You could call it a happy accident, (except I don't believe in accidents ;) Where I 'accidentally' cured myself. I know it was really the hand of God in my life, because I was just being too dumb and he had to give me a little prod in the right direction.

That is when I first realized that doctors really don't know everything and they are not always right. I realize that if I was going to regain my health, it was going to be because I did something, not because a doctor would cure me. So I began what I consider my education into natural healing.

When I first went to the doctor to see what the issue could be, my doctor said very condescendingly, "your thyroid's fine. Go loose some weight and get some exercise and you'll feel a lot better" and then he looked at me like he thought I was a lazy blob/hypochondriac

5 years later, when I finally got over my self pity, (I know, pathetic! But I really thought at the time that was it, and there was nothing that I could do.) I started by trying to lose some weight (seems to be where most people start. . . but hey ya gotta start somewhere!

I started taking flax seed oil for this purpose, and bam, 3 weeks later i was pregnant! (after 5 years of menopausal symptoms, this was HUGE) I have been very regular and have not had any miscarriages since. I now have two more children, and no problems in that area at all.

AND, I an a lot wiser, more self sufficient, and I am taking PERSONAL responsibility for my own health and the health of my family. It is very liberating and I love it!

Debbie said...

Thanks for visiting my blog this weekend. I'm enjoying yours. As an adoptive mama, I too am very prolife and hoping the Lord sees fit to bring my smiles into our family.

Edie Mindell said...
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