Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Jeff Cook!

Recently we had the privelage of attending the birthday party of Jeff Cook here in Alabama. Who is Jeff Cook? Well for all of you non-die-hard-Alabama fans (the band not the state), Jeff Cook is the fiddle player from the group. I attached a picture of us sitting around the table waiting for the festivities to start.

What a night! It all started when we went to pick up our tickets, they had been sold to someone else! Jeremiah's boss had bought VIP ($50) tickets, but now all those tables were full! So to make it up to us, he sent us home with Band ($100) tickets. We were excited! We were supposed to have better seats and a waitress. We show up only to discover they shoved us off to the side and the waitress didn't know they were supposed to wait on us. The table sat at a horrible slant and was under trees instead of under the tent. We tried to make the best of it . . . until is starting raining.

Here in Alabama it doesn't just rain, it storms. You can be sitting outside enjoying the breeze and then all of sudden a thunder storm is on top of you and you are soaked before you can reach cover! So we are sitting at our crooked table and trying to get comfortable, when it starts to sprinkle. We all look at each other and think "Oh no!" We grab our belongings and run for cover. We were only about 6 feet from the tent, but we still got wet! Now this storm starts to blow and within minutes the top of the tent is filling with water. Men were taking folding chairs and pushing the water out of the tent to prevent the topple of the tent. We are having to all huddle in the middle of this tent because out here we get side-ways rain. The band had covered all their equipment, but because of the wind they were having to hold the tarps down. Then a part of the trellis fencing fell down. It was looking bleak.

We had ordered the fancy cruisine that a $100 ticket affords (a BBQ sandwich), but they informed us that they were not cooking anymore. Jeremiah and I decided to run into the building and see if we could get some food. Now to get into the building we had to run all the way around, so by the time we arrived at the front door we were soaked. Then the bouncer had the audacity to tell us he was supposed to charge us the cover charge to get in! He didn't. We found a place to stand inside because there were no more chairs. We finally found a waitress that was willing to help us order some food, only to find out it would be an hour before we could eat! Now for a hypoglycemic who has not eaten in several hours - I'm getting mad!

We took off for the local chicken eatery. We ordered our food in "to go" boxes and brought it back to the bar. The rain had stopped and the band was now in full swing again. I sat down and enjoyed my meal. The band was good, but very loud. And we did have fun despite all the problems. But I will never go back to that bar!
Added note: I learned that this bar is now closed due to a fire that happened about three days after the party. Oops!

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